Best College Fit™ FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions About Peter Van Buskirk's Best College Fit

Q. How does the Best College Fit (BCF) differ from information we can get from other consultants or even the school's guidance office?

A. BCF programming is intended as a "value add" complement to the work of school-based college advisors. While we don't manage the process or prepare paperwork for students, we do promote good decision-making, student-centered planning and student ownership of the process. With BCF, you get frank, daily access to timely and relevant information as well as unbiased coaching from individuals experienced in the college admission process.

Q. What will I get from BCF that I don't already receive from your free blog and newsletter?

A. Access to experts and the information you need when you want it is the distinguishing characteristic of the BCF. It is an interactive, conversational, multi-media resource available 24/7 that expands upon the content of the blogs and newsletters and personalizes it for the needs of your own family.

Family Subscriptions

Q. To whom do BCF benefits extend? Do I need separate subscriptions for each of my children?

A. We recommend one subscription per family. While the subscription may be in one person's name, the information and opportunities for participation can be shared within a household.

Q. Is the BCF program targeted at a particular age group? If our children are younger, does it make sense to join now?

A. The BCF program content is geared toward students at all grades in high school. Families with younger students will also find the planning conversations useful. "The Action Plan for College" is truly the "Ultimate To Do List" and it starts with information directed at students in the 9th grade. You will find the webcast content and the "College Talk" (email) discussions relevant wherever you are in the college planning process.

Other Questions

Q. How do I cancel my subscription?

A. Log into the Best College Fit. Click on the "My Account" link in the upper right hand corner of the web page. Click "cancel".

Q. Do you offer private consultations?

A. The thrust of BCF Resources are to reach as many people as possible with college planning information. I am happy, however, to address specific needs of families on a limited basis. To arrange a private consultation please contact me at

Do you have other questions or need additional help? Contact